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    Hengki Ardika

    Mathematician in Statistical Economic Diplomat, was born January 8th 1986, an Olympiad to Olympians, on words and motions to siglum GRN, Founder and Chief Executive Officer Kikouks Paok Ltd, President Director Chancellor and Chairman One publication Corporate, Nine Business Market incorporate, Premiere Profrevha Organisation, PROFREV ®, PROFREVHA ™, PROFREVHA One, Spy Agent Intelligent, Kikouks Paok ©, Tripped Nitch and IKA, Hengkiardois, OGRN & IPP, VAE vs TNUC, HENGKIARD Global Owner Office. Bank Indonesia Projects Enabler £500B- Mega City/Jamaal Kashogi Plaintiff 2021/1148/425 Registry 1266000652229 VaT-ID 154571889105000 Management Statistics Economic Developer E-commerce FinTech Central Bank Business of Kikouks Paok Ltd & PROFREVHA ™ operates for 9 hours to 15 hours Profrevha Bank Central. Hengki Ardika Sell £0.145 Buy £0.123 Stock Exchange Rate 0 Reverends Sell £1.94 Buy £1.8 Stock Exchange Rate £0.0000027557 Professional Sell £18 Buy £4 Stock Exchange Rate £0.0002232143 PROFREVHA ™ Sell £40 Buy £35 Stock Exchange Rate £0.00063 KIKOUKS PAOK LTD Sell £315 Buy £194 Stock Exchange Rate £0.022 PROFREVHA BANK CENTRAL Sell: £18189 Buy: £1098 Stock Exchange Rate £0.429 PLAINTIFF ON SALE 1. Plaintiff-daily Rp8765.808/£1.94 2. Plaintiff National £186/3 years 3. Plaintiff International £248/4 years 4. Plaintiff Global £434/7 years 5. Beneficiary Plaintiff £558/9 years 6. Beneficial Plaintiff £744/12 years 7. Benevolent Plaintiff £806/13 years Plaintiff: 421.7/1138/2003 REGISTERED 1266000652229 VAT-ID 154571889105000 Sempali 4A-1 Lalang Cucur Rantau Karang Baru Tamiang Aceh Indonesia 24474 -Draiknehg & Ghenkiard- Prof. Rev. Hengki Ardika, HENGKIARD Global Owner Office